Gumballs & Dungeons Wikia
Gumballs & Dungeons Wikia
Metal Storm Big

Metal Storm is a mecha suit that replaces the Eden Maze firearm mechanic in the Hall of Overseeing maze and is a major feature of Eden's Land. It features three unique upgrade trees that function similarly to Titles, requiring Smart Chips to upgrade. It also features a beam cannon as an active skill, which changes functionality depending on the upgrade path selected in the Cannon Tree.

Active Skills

Energy Cannon

Energy Cannon, Active Skill:

  • Costs 1 energy to cast
  • Deals "Attack * 1.4 damage" to a single target

Upon learning Beam Cannon Program, replace Energy Cannon with:

Beam Cannon

Beam Cannon, Active skill, by default:

  • Costs 1 energy to cast
  • Deals "Attack * 2.8 damage" to a single target

Upon learning Gravity Wave Program, replace Energy Cannon with:

Gravity Wave

Gravity Wave, Active skill by default:

  • Costs 1 energy to cast
  • Deals "Attack * 1.6 damage" to a all visible enemies

What impacts and doesn't impact the cannon's damage :

  • Cannon's damage ignores both Physical and Spell Resistance
  • Effects boosting Spell Damage or Physical Damage are ignored
  • Effects boosting your attack (like Bless or BoR) will boost the cannon's damage
  • Effects boosting damage against Boss or monsters of type xxx do not apply

Weapon Enhancement

Metal Storm Title 1

This enhancement tree lets you recover cannon energy, transform the Energy Cannon into either a Beam Cannon or Gravity Wave and enhance its effects.

EnergyStorageProgramEnergy Storage Program
Beam Cannon ProgramBeam Cannon Program Gravity Wave ProgramGravity Wave Program
Particle Collision ProgramParticle Collision Program Dither ProgramDither Program
Weaknes Induction ProgramWeaknes Induction Program Energy Guiding ProgramEnergy Guiding Program
Quantum Distortion ProgramQuantum Distortion Program Precise Guidance ProgramPrecise Guidance Program Space Collapse ProgramSpace Collapse Program Black Hole Simulation ProgramBlack Hole Simulation Program

Body Enhancement

Metal Storm Title 2

Top skill add a Spurting effect to normal attacks.
The left side of the tree will help you deal more damage.
The right side will help you resist damage and heal HP.

Energy Crash ProgramEnergy Crash Program
Assault ProgramAssault Program Protection ProgramProtection Program
Life Strike ProgramLife Strike Program Nano Remodeling ProgramNano Remodeling Program
Shaped-charge Strike ProgramShaped-charge Strike Program Phase Shift ProgramPhase Shift Program
Nuclear Pulse ProgramNuclear Pulse Program Dark Matter Annihilate ProgramDark Matter Annihilate Program Reflective Force Field ProgramReflective Force Field Program T Point Force Field ProgramT Point Force Field Program

Perceptual System Enhancement

Metal Storm Title 3 This tree helps you do more spell damage, recover MP and increase effects of all spells.

Spirit Induction ProgramSpirit Induction Program
Mind Activation ProgramMind Activation Program
Perception Growth ProgramPerception Growth Program
Psycomu ProgramPsycomu Program
Psychic Berserk ProgramPsychic Berserk Program Psychic Storm ProgramPsychic Storm Program

Also see
