Gumballs & Dungeons Wikia
Gumballs & Dungeons Wikia

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How to Unlock

You gain access to the Circus Quest area after you collect ??? from the ??? Maze.


The Circus Quest is Gumballs & Dungeons' daily quests. Every day there are two different quests for the same maze. It can be killing a special beast, finding an item, or reaching a specific floor. All quest goals are in floors 2 to 6. Sometimes one of these quests will require you to use gumballs from a specific faction.

Each Quest completed gives a minor reward, and when you complete both on the same day, you get 2 Vigor and 50,000 coins. Once you have completed ten quests, you get 2 Golden Pots and 10 Gems.

Kill Quests

Creature Drops Drop Effect
Brown Bear "honey" Heal 100HP, 3 uses
Escaped Lion Lion's Hairs Strength +3
"elephant" "broken ivory"

Collect Quests

Item Effect
Acrobatics Ball
Acrobatics Dart
Acrobatics Monocycle
Trainer's Whip
Clown's Mask
Magician's Crutch

Floor Quests

These take the form of books that are automatically found once you reach the target floor. The item can be used once, then will remain in your inventory until you leave the maze.

Item Effect
Trainer's Legacy Attack +1, HP +20, EP +300

Trainer: Attack and Power +3

Clown's Legacy Defense +1, EP +300
Acrobat's Legacy